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Career Readiness & Exploration

Post-Secondary Exploratory (PSE) Registration

Various reps (college reps, career speakers, military, unions, corporations hiring, etc…) will visit Stagg throughout the year. Students can sign up to participate in the event as long as they sign up at least 24 hours prior in SCHOOLINKS!

Please remember:

  • REGISTER on SchooLinks. On your Dashboard you will see “School Events” at the top. Click on the event you want to register for and click on “Register for this event”
  • FOR Period 2 Intervention - Sign Up for Post Secondary Exploratory Event in Arena Scheduling (Skyward Q) Staff: Kowalczyk Location: Commons/PAC Lobby
  • GO DIRECTLY TO THE EVENT. All PSE events will take place in the Commons/PAC Lobby unless otherwise posted. 2nd period on Tuesdays & Thursdays and Lunch hours Wednesday
  • BE COURTEOUS! Students must have exemplary behavior when attending visits and treat the representatives with the utmost respect. Do NOT sign up for events just to miss class. This is not a good use of time for both you and the representative. Violating any of these rules may result in students losing the privilege to attend college visits for the remainder of the semester.

Stagg Guidance shares the goal of connecting students early on in high school to a possible career path through a variety of exciting ways:

Career Exploration - Field Trip Calendar
Each year we partner with Moraine Valley to give students the opportunity to explore different career paths. A calendar of career field trips which Stagg students will have the chance to participate in is available in the Guidance Office. 

Period 2 Enrichment/Career Opportunities 
Counselor assistance with all things related to career exploration; presenters on various career fields including the military will also be offered.  

Military Visits (Contact Information)
We have regular visits from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and National Guard typically held in our lunchroom.  If you are interested in pursuing a career in the military, connect with your counselor on upcoming visits. 

Career Field Trips
Each year the Guidance Office takes field trips to Moraine Valley and other business sites to help connect students with various careers.  Listen to announcements or see your counselor for more information.